The theme of Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo is Kokoro “心”. In Japanese, Kokoro means mind and heart, intellect and affection, but most importantly, it is the very substance of the true benevolent “inner spirit” which resides in every human being.
It is with this definition of Kokoro that we practice Kendo everyday, so that the very spirit will become a part of us throughout our lives. Our aim is to train ourselves by practicing Kendo to instill the spirit of Kokoro in ourselves.
Takeshi Yamaguchi Sensei
Founder, Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo

Costa Mesa Kendo Dojo (CMKD) was founded in 1975 by Takeshi Yamaguchi Sensei. Our Dojo is a member of the Southern California Kendo Federation (SCKF) and is recognized by the All United States Kendo Federation (AUSKF).
Throughout our 45 year history in Orange County, we have produced countless team and individual champions. Our members have managed, coached, and competed at World Kendo Championships, the U.S. Kendo Championships, and many other major events held throughout the world. We are proud of our many CMKD kenshi who have represented our country as a part of Team USA and competed nationally as members of Team SCKF.
We offer more Sensei (Instructors, 4-Dan and above) than most Dojos in America, and our students benefit from one of the lowest ratios of student-to-Yudansha. You will get personal instruction and attention from our very accomplished group of Sensei at CMKD.

Founded in 1975
- All US Kendo Federation (AUSKF)
- Southern California Kendo Federation (SCKF)
Founder: Takeshi Yamaguchi Sensei (Kyoshi 7-Dan)
Head Instructor: Yuji Hosokawa Sensei (7-Dan)
Dojo Instructors
- Hiroyoshi Hosokawa Sensei (Kyoshi 7-Dan), Senior Advisor
- Takao Shoraku Sensei (Kyoshi 7-Dan), Senior Advisor
- Kenji Takahashi Sensei (Renshi 7-Dan)
- Minoru Segawa Sensei (Renshi 6-Dan)
- Kazunori Kobayashi Sensei (6-Dan)
- Casey Van Zutphen Sensei (6-Dan)
- Sho Shiono Sensei (5-Dan)
- Allyson Dong Sensei (5-Dan)
- Nathan Gallinger Sensei (5-Dan)
- Richard Ra Sensei (5-Dan)
- Satoshi Tauchi Sensei (4-Dan)
- Shiori Segawa Sensei (4-Dan)
- Tom Paik Sensei (4-Dan)